Gold Coast Psychological Assessments
Psychological assessments are used by psychologists and other mental health professionals to gather and evaluate information about an individual’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioural functioning. Clients may self-refer based on current concerns, or assessments may be requested by doctors, schools, employers, government agencies, and solicitors.
Assessments provide a deeper understanding of an individual’s psychological well-being, identify potential issues or diagnoses, and inform treatment and intervention strategies. They may also be used as support for accessing funding under the NDIS.
At Gold Coast Psychology Centre, we offer the following assessments:
- Neurocognitive assessments including ADHD, ASD, and memory functioning
- Intelligence assessments; Learning Difficulties; and Specific Learning Disorders such as Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
- Personality assessments
We do not offer assessment for forensic or court purposes.
The assessment procedure is a structured procedure and involves a combination of interviews, observations, collateral information, and psychometric testing. The findings are then carefully analysed and summarised into a comprehensive report. This report identifies underlying issues, provides a diagnosis (if applicable), and offers a set of recommendations.

How the psychological assessments process works
Initial Interview
The assessment process begins with an initial interview to clarify the purpose of the assessment and gather a comprehensive history. This includes relevant background information, developmental history, and current concerns.
Formal Assessments
Following the interview, a series of assessment sessions are conducted. These may include diagnostic interviews, observations, and psychometric testing which can take anywhere from one to four hours. The selection and duration of assessment sessions depends on the nature and complexity of the presenting issues and the goals of the assessment.
Data Interpretation
Once completed, the assessing psychologist interprets the results and provides a comprehensive report that summarises the gathered information and assessment outcomes. The psychologist will make a diagnosis, if applicable, and provide recommendations for interventions or treatments.
Feedback Session
A feedback session is then scheduled to review the findings, answer questions, and provide guidance on next steps. During this session, clients can ask questions, gain a deeper understanding of the assessment outcomes, and discuss the recommendations.